
Our bartenders are responsible for setting up the beverage service area. They make sure the bar is stocked with appropriate glassware, cocktail stirring rods, napkins and drink garnishes such as cherries, olives, cocktail onions and lemon & lime wedges. They also stock the bar with soft drinks, liquor, wine, beer and other beverages provided by the bridal party.



The bartender is responsible for filling drink orders and serving  them to the guest. They are responsible for ensuring that alcoholic beverages are not dispensed to people under the age of 21 and may be required to monitor the alcohol intake of guests in accordance with the banquet hall or catering company’s service and insurance policies. If the event is a cash bar, the bartender is responsible for taking payment for drinks.


Tear Down
After the wedding reception, the bartender is responsible for tearing down the bar and disposing of trash and recyclables, including plastic cups, bottles and cans in the bar area. If the wedding party purchased wine or alcohol for the event, the bartender boxes unused beverages and gives them to a representative of the bridal party.


TIPS Certified

Liquor Liability Insured